
Jordon Maxell candidly speaks to

Douglas Clay on Free American Radio
Clay Douglas the American Voice of Liberty
about his research on the past present and future of the world

Clay Douglas, the Free American, talks about Subjects few others dare to touch. He is an Oath-Keeper determined to Defend the Constitution. To learn more go to His Guest today is:Jordon Maxwell

The Free American Hour

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America's oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today.

His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations includes documents and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

Jordans areas of interest include:

* Astro-Theology
* Sexual Symbolism in World Religions
* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion
* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion
* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern
* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems
* Ancient Sciences and Technology
* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries
* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion
* The Story Your Church Doesn't Want You to Know
* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events


DUMB's Deep Underground Military Bases


Colaterial Murder Video One- Wiki Leaks


Jordon Maxwell- The British Quuens Exposed


Opertaion Northwood- 9/11 Strategy


The GreatAmerican Novel Music Clip 5a-


The GreatAmerican Novel Music Clip 5b

Jordon Maxwell with Alex Jones on New-Man (old model) verses Hu-Man ( new model) Part 1

Jordon Maxwell with Alex Jones on New-Man (old model) verses Hu-Man ( new model) Part 2


Jordon Maxwell with Alex Jones on New-Man (old model) verses Hu-Man ( new model) Part 3


Jordon Maxwell with Alex Jones on New-Man (old model) verses Hu-Man ( new model) Part 4

Story of Hu-Man self Enslavement Part 1


Story of Hu-Man self Enslavement Part 2


Story of Hu-Man self Enslavement Part 3


Story of Hu-Man self Enslavement Part 4


Meet the Strawman


Confessions of an area 51 employee

Robert Maxwell "..From My Eyes ....." Part One
Robert Maxwell looks at how the world really is and what is has become and why! 


Robert Maxwell "..From My Eyes ....." Part Two
Robert Maxwell looks at how the world really is and what is has become and why! 


Robert Maxwell "..From My Eyes ....." Part Three
Robert Maxwell looks at how the world really is and what is has become and why! 


Robert Maxwell "..From My Eyes ....." Part Four
Robert Maxwell looks at how the world really is and what is has become and why! 

Robert Maxwell exposes the Illuminati and Occult at the Public Forum
Coming soon


Zbigniew Brzezinski - Easier to kill a million people than to control them.


Zbigniew Brzezinski - Easier to kill a million people than to control them. collapse nobody saw coming —The Rothschilds’ are Having Our Troops Killed- Destroy The Armed Forces!!

March 17, 2009 · 3 Comments

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


 The Infamous, Evil, All Powerful, comminalli insane International Banking Family who effectively own and/or control about two tirds of all the wealth, money, gold, silver, land and other resources on planet earth, all but five central banks including the USA Federal Reserve Bank, The Bank of England, The Australian Federal Reserve Bank,The New Zealand Federal Reserve Bank, the Canadian Federal Reserve Bank, Germany's Central Bank, the Bank of International Settlement (BIZ) The World Bank, who is appointed the President of the United States of America, who is appointed the Prime Minister of Britain-Australia-New Zealand and many ohter heads of states on many countries around tghe world, the daily price of Gold and Oil, the Catholic Church, London City, Vatixab city, Washington City (through their corporation City of The Empire) also have  Barrack Obama ( who was Rothschild's Choice for the current president of the USA) Tony Blair, Goerge Bush Senior and Junior, Billl Clinton and most other previous USA Presidents that did not get assasinated by the Rothschilds for not doing what the Rothchilds wanted... also have 

Zbigniew Brzezinski working for the  Rothschilds who openly states that it is easier to kill a million people than to control them.

That is the Rothschild's plan in the next few years...Their plan under advice from advisors like Zbigniew Brzezinski ..and Fritz teer Mere (the creator and manufacturer through his firm Beyer -formerly IB Farben of the Zyclon B gas that  was used to murder over 10 million poor Jews and lower level Freemasons in Barron Adolph Rothschild Hitler's Death  Nazi Camps-Adolph Hitler being the grandson of Barron Nathan Rothschild) to though various direct and indirect means ...mass murder 90% of the current about 6 billion people on planet earth by 
(1) an attomic war that was manipualted and organised and financed by the Rothschild  Internationl Banking Group and Family and close elite business associates.
 (2) starvation, malnutritian, man made diseases 
(a)partly cuase by diseased created in a test tube put into the air, and 
(b) other diseases caused by the lack of natural nutients, vitamins and minerals in the food;
(3) the building of over 1,000 Nazi Death Camps and Gas Chambers called "FEMA Camps", all over the USA//where peopple will be rounded up and heared into these secure compounds like cattle or goats , which the evil and criminally insane people believe that everyone else that is not considered to be one of thier master superior race is... and simpy murdered... and the  few people that are allowed to live.,.. as they need a few people as live servants to carry out jobs for them . about 500,000 on the whole earth left... will have  radio controlled micro chips implanted in their arms and will be released from the compounds called "FEMA Camps" like sheep or goats to wonder around the earth kmowing that they have a radio controlled micro chip impkante din their arms that has their whole life history ,,including financial, birth..everythingthey buy anbd sell.. all movements... minute to minute...  and if they step out of line in anyway.... which includes even daring to complain about the way these evil and criminally insane people are running planet earth.. and/or supporting anyone else that does dare to speak out  against these evil and crimianlly insane people... their micro chip will simply be turned off and to be able to obtain food , waterm shelter, cloths, transport etc .... they will then have to report to a FEMA Death Camp Compound ... where they wil be simply put to death along with anyone else that has helped them in any way since they had their micro chip turned off.


[THE FOOD CHAIN:, and plan for collapse of America, followed by Worldwide depression, collapse of all fiat currencies, followed by final transfer of all people's assets to the Rothschilds--from what is noted, all that happens must be viewed from a Rothschild point of view, and not Zionist, and not the Vatican, not chance or luck. The great events and seeming accidents of history are never accidents, but all are planned. The people who wish to confuse people with red herrings, want people to accept as truth that POTUS is the top position of power in the world, and it couldn't be further than the truth. ].
Please read the rest of this important article
 at the botton of this page....
Please got o

for more information about The Rothschilds and their evil cimianlly insane partners and group thye have set up to impliment thier New World Order (NWO) thye are callling the Brave News World (BNW)
and email mailbox@The to find out where and how you can see the must see film... that give you the truth about what is going on in the world ....   and what is about to happen to everyone .....if they do not wake up and obtain the knowledge they need to know .... before it is took late to do anything about it..

The Great American Novel - The Film
Click here to read about the 3 billion people that the Rothschild and partners famillies such as the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names:  Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan;  Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. has mass murdered in the last 250 year and find out how they plane to mass murder a futher 3 billion people in the next century
also see the Film The Great American Novel to find out more.....
    You will never view the world again the same .......
after seeing 
The Great American Novel

The real hidden  reason for Michael Jackson's murder was because he was one of the original motivators of the making of the film the Great American Novel and took part in the making of the film The Great American Novel ...Michael Jackson actually become part of the Illuminated Inner Circle of the Secret Societies Groups and Organisations that already run the American Union, Britain, The European Union, the African Union and soon to be the Asian Union ..... who are determined to include the whole world to be under their control by the 21st December, 2012 .... however, when the actual details of the final plan that these evil criminally insane people have been working on for the last 300 years was revielled to Michael Jackson as an Illuminated Inner Circle Member, to have  their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World"  with One Ruler, One Bank and One Army ... in a world were every man woman and child on plant earth will have a RDIF Radio Micro Chip implanted in their arm, which will control all money transactions on planet earth, hold everyone's personal details and information, track everyone's second to second movements .... with everyone needing to have their chip active to take part in any aspect of  society, and that all personal rights will be removed from everyone .... and if anyone dares to complain about the way the One World Government is runs the "New World Order", they are naming, the "Brave New World" ..... they will simply turn their chip off..  Michael Jackson wanted to be involved with making the film  .... The Great American Novel  .... to expose the details of this evil plan to the world .... thankfully  some of Michael Jackson's input was partly completed prior to Michael Jackson's Murder...which has been included in the film  .... The Great American Novel .....  Michael Jackson was to complete a lot more work for the film, but he was murdered before he could complete the rest of his work and input for the film, to try and stop him doing anymore work on the film and to try and stop the film  ... The Great American Novel   ... being made and distributed to everyone one in the world to see ... to open their eyes as to trap they are leading everyone into... the other real frightening thing is that the same group of people who manipulated, thought of, created, financed, supervised and carried out... the murder of over 10 million Jews and lower lever Freemasons by gasing them to death with Zyclon B,( a poisen that originally was invented only to use to kill insects), in the Nazi Death Camps during the Second Wold War, are in fact the same group of people secret societies, organisations, groups and families, that are in control of these Illuminati Secret Societies that are about to create their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World " by the 21st December, 2012 .. they actually used the Nazi Death Camps as a massive experient to find out the best methods of controlling people and ways to be able to convince people to walk into their own death camps, and what drugs and chemicals to use on them to seem to make them not question anything they are told and make them easy to manipulate, like the chemicals they are putting in our water supplies in recent years that make people easy to manage  and just except what they are told without question... to see how far they can brain wash people and get people to willingly do what they want, that is actually unknowingly, harmful to them.. the Nazi Death Camps were places they could freely experiment on live men, women and children, like scientists and doctors use animals to carry out medical experiments, and kill their victims after the tests, all under the fraudulent and devious false public perception that,  all that was happening, was that some insane  dictator called Adolph Hitler, who was actually the son of one of the Rothschild Family, born out of wedlock to a live in made of one of the Rothschild Family,  was killing Jewish people as an ethnic cleansing operation .. that was just a front for the real reason for the Nazi Death Camps  ...which was to use live human beings for medical experiments to help formulate the methods and chemicals needed to take over the world the create   their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World "....

The King of Pop Michael Jackson was murdered for helping to make The Great American Novel by the Rothschild International Banking Family, who are Russian Khazars who were originally  from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia and their International Banking and Busines Partnerand associates which also includes members of the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names:  Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan;  Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn
    A must see film.....
there is no doubt that  everyone in the world will demand that the film The Great American Novel  
is shown in their town ...NYTToday
 to organise The Great American Novel too be shown in your town please email
An INL News Limited Production

     You will find more about
The Great American Novel at

Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names:  Astor; Bundy; Collins; 
duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan;  Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.are responsible for over 3 billion mass murders in the last 250 years through their manipulation, finance and control of wars and conflicts, starvation, malnutrition, slavery, famine, holocausts, genocide,  ethnic cleansing, disease and other methods are set to be indited in the International Court of Justice as the biggest war criminal the world has ever known after 30 years on investigations have been complete by a special investigation team funded by the real Jewish business people whose families were murdered in Death Camps by poisons originally designed to kill insects made and produced in factories belonging to these evil criminally insane Mass Murderers
1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."

By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, "Age of the Rothschilds," it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.

Rothschild Banking Family Friends and business associates murderess control of over three billion deaths on the planet earth for over 250 years. These people control the central banks in most major countries around the world which includes The USA Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia, the Federal Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Canadian Federal Reserve Bank and many more. In fact there is only about six large countries they do not control the central banks of which includes Iran. That is of the many reasons why they are determined to make war against Iran which will be the third world war, which will be used to create chaos and fear by everyone in the world so that everyone willing agrees to their One World Order plan with One Government, One Army and One Bank to control the world with everyone on the world will willingly have Micro Chips implanted in them which will track their every move  on the planet and have all their personal information and money on  these RDIF Radio Tracking Chips. In anyone wants to complain about the way the world is run by these powerful elite, then they will simply just term off their chip and they will not be able to buy food, obtain transport, get into their house, or do anything else as the whole of society will be based around the use of these micro chips. They have already named this "The Brave New World" which one of their paid authors Arthur Huxley stated in in book. Rupert Murdochs well paid job in the master plan was to fool the world by hiding all the imporant information from everyone as he controls most of the worlds mainstream media outets owning hundreds of billion of newspapers, internet websites like MySpace , magazines, book publishing, and film companies through his multi billion dollar company News Corp financed on Rothschilds Money,,,and keep the masses entertained with page three girls and other fun stuff like the Simpsons which his partners complete their plans to enslave the world with a one world government, were everyone is micro chipped and all the food has had mosytof its nutrients and minerals removed from it as well as implanted with they pesticides and bovine growth hormones to a level large and dangerous level ,so that billions of people will die from starvation and/or disease becuase they are not getting the correct nutrients and minerals in theitr food and are being poisened with high levels of poisones pesticiesa nd bovine growth hormones and geneticlly modified food Rupert Murdoch's last main job was to help David Cameron's Tory Party gain power in Britain through his control on the media in the UK, who has promised to sell him the BBC, as the BBC was the last truely well financed independant media out let it the world that would stand in their way in obtaining their one world government agenda.

For a complete round up on Michael Jackson go 

La Toya claims Jacko was murdered

Michael Jackson's sister La Toya has spoken out about her brother's death, claiming he was murdered. More

La Toya claims Jacko was murdered

Press Association
Michael Jackson's sister La Toya believes the King of Pop was effectively "murdered" for his money by a manipulative entourage, it emerged tonight.

In interviews with Sunday newspapers, La Toya gave details about the 50-year-old singer's sudden death, drugs found in his body and a stash of cash and jewels that she claims have gone missing.

She told the News of the World: "We don't think just one person was involved in the murder. It was a conspiracy to get Michael's money."

La Toya, 53, accused a "shadowy" group of hangers-on of cutting him off from his family and friends and forcing him to sign up for 50 concerts at London's O2 arena.

They also fed him drugs and saw him as a "cash cow", she claimed.

"He was surrounded by a bad circle," she told the Mail on Sunday. "Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that.

"People fought to be close to him, people who weren't always on his side.

"Michael was worth more than a billion dollars. When anyone is worth that much money, there are always greedy people around them."

Justice for the folks in the United Kingdom
This guy says collapse nobody saw coming —The Rothschilds’ are Having Our Troops Killed- Destroy The Armed Forces!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


[THE FOOD CHAIN:, and plan for collapse of America, followed by Worldwide depression, collapse of all fiat currencies, followed by final transfer of all people's assets to the Rothschilds--from what is noted, all that happens must be viewed from a Rothschild point of view, and not Zionist, and not the Vatican, not chance or luck. The great events and seeming accidents of history are never accidents, but all are planned. The people who wish to confuse people with red herrings, want people to accept as truth that POTUS is the top position of power in the world, and it couldn't be further than the truth. ].


The Rothschilds are not just bankers, but main players in the game of Risk and instigators of the wars, internal strife we have eperienced on two oceans and several seas.

Consider the CONTROLLED conflicts since and including WWI– A Rothschild type of Controlled and prolonged conflicts that grow increasingly meaningless, Treasury-draining, demoralizing, are easily picked out Loaning to both sides, it is obvious that they don’t want any short wars…… They wanted America into the war, so they loaded the Lusitania with munitions, and sunk it, neglecting to tell the passengers of the danger.

The only Army worth considering,. the US, has been so weakened as to be useless. Most of the veterans of the Gulf Wars (1991) have either died or are on 100% disability from exposure to DU. In 2003-2006, Bush/Cheney deliberately prolonged the wars so as to kill off and/or disable most of the US Army, and soldiers, plus bring back DU to the soldier’s families. Primarily Nat’l Guard, recruits, contractors were used. The Regular army soldier’s were held back to safe positions in Europe are not sufficient in number, and far from home. Possibly Bush/Cheney’s orders were to deliberately destroy as much of the US army as possible to prevent a military coup. through prolonging conflicts, and creating a no-man’s land in Iraq, Afganistan. EXACTLY AND THERES’ THE REASON FOR THE TRUMPED UP WARS’ EVERY SOLDIER KILLED IS ONE LESS WORRY TO THESE BASTARDS’!!!

Israel pulls out of Lebanon unexpectedly with a poor explanation– quick–possilbly to avoid loss of their army thru contact with their own DU-exploded bombs..

Bush/Cheney and the Neocons think they’ll get to call martial law, but it is entirely possible that Rothschilds have a surprise for them–they have a habit of dumping people they’re done with.

THE FOOD CHAIN of POWER–[below are notes that deserve further research.]


(possess most of the FIAT money of the world, cornering the market of gold while at the same time “dismissing” gold as an old relic of the past-wealth estimated at $200-700 TRILLION [this comes out to be most of the money of the world--while US debt at $6 TRILLION)
With this limitless fund of money on the table, they can outraise anyone, make anything happen..

---------------Level 2

Rest of Int'l banking families, i.e., Warburg, Rockefeller, Loeb., Schiff, etc....[get list later] Add Queen of England, called a “puppet”??? by a Rothschild.).

“Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who, by 1820, had established a firm grip on the Bank of England stated:”I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

—————Level 3

[straight line between Rothschilds and Israel, that never seems short of money despite continous wars---, U.S. Neocons/Zionists--they are "Rothschild agents".]

The Neo-con doctrines introduction

—————Level 4-
Dov Zacheim
Perez–”America can’t do anything without our approval.”

——————Level 5 (with hands oujt)

Other International industrialists,
Key Members of U.S. Congress [unlimited campaign funds for Bush43 , Clinton elections]
MI5, CIA, NAS, DofI, etc….

Basic strategy for the Rothschilds: cause wars thru provocation, resulting in a crisis, loans at exhorbilnent interest [24-35%] both sides of the wars, then when they can’t repay, they call in the loans and take possession, install central banks..

After causing the Civil War, and Lincoln needing money, he refused the 24-35% interest demands of the Rothschilds, and orders the US to print it’s own, money and cuts out the Rothschilds. It is believed that the Rothschilds arranged for Lincoln’s assassination.

Now to the plans for America………Russian tsar was offered same crummy deal, which was refused–Rothschilds 100 years later got even with the mass murders of the entire family, including the children of the Romanov’s—to serve as an example of what happens with one crosses the Rothschild family.


Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln is assassinated, less than two months before the end of the American Civil War.

Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.

1. Gain control of America’s money system through the establishment of a central bank. [DONE]

2. Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies. [DONE]

3. Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks. [DONE]

4. Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target. [ZIONISTS court evangelical pastors to call themselves "Christian Zionists" and encourage the celebration of some Jewish holidays for "Unity and Brotherhood"]


CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD- The Media”Eustice Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they control Reuters too. From other sources it appears CNN, which began as an independent challenge to the Jewish Network monopoly, ran into repeated trickery, and ended up part of the system. Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. Perhaps nothing dominates the life of some Americans as does the television. Americans sit themselves before the television set and simply absorb what it projects to them. “On a day to day basis the biggest way the Rothschilds touch the lives of Americans are the three major networks which are under Rothschild direction”


“A Prussian official said that Rothschild had ‘an incredible influence upon all financial affairs here in London. It is widely stated … that he entirely regulates the rate of exchange in the City. His power as a banker is enormous.’ ‘When Nathan … (made] a fuss, the Bank of England trembled.’ Once he tried to cash a check from his brother Amschel at the Bank, but the Bank refused saying it cashed only its own notes. Nathan’s volcano-like temper exploded. The next morning he and nine of his clerks arrived at the Bank and began exchanging bank notes for gold. In one day he had reduced the Bank’s gold reserves by a substantial amount. The next day he and his clerks arrived with more bank notes. A Bank executive nervously asked how long he intended to keep this up. Nathan replied something to the effect of ‘The Bank of England refused to take by bills, so I will not keep theirs.’ A meeting was quickly called and they decided that from then on the Bank of England would be pleased to cash any Rothschild check.

malaprop aka izzy

The Satanic Rothschilds Dynasty

The Media



undermines a nation from within, deep within the bowels of the society in order accommodate a gradual, incremental transformation into a socialist society. One of the famous Fabians was George Bernard Shaw, the playwright, he stated clearly the techniques the Fabians used: “Our propaganda is one of permeating – we urged our members to join the Liberal and Radical Associations in their district, or, if they preferred it, the Conservative Associations – we permeated the party organizations and pulled all the strings we could lay our hands on with the utmost adroitness and energy, and we succeeded so well that in 1888 we gained the solid advantage of a Progressive majority full of ideas that would never have come into their heads had not the Fabians put them there.”

In 1889, Sidney Webb, another Fabian said:
“The Fabian Society occupies a different sphere as a Socialist Society from that of the two larger bodies. It includes members of all the other organizations, with a number of active workers chiefly of the middle class, and ‘literary proletariat’. . . . The Society exercises a considerable influence, more real than apparent, by the personal participation of its members in nearly all reform movements, as well as by their work at the Universities and in the fields of journalism and the teaching of Political Economy. It is not, however, a numerous body, and makes no attempt to increase its numbers beyond a convenient limit.”

In his book The New Despotism, Lord Hewart, written in 1929, revealed the serious nature of the Fabians involvement in the British government: “A mass of evidence establishes the fact that there is in existence a persistent and well-contrived system, intending to produce, and in practice producing, a despotic power which at one and the same time places Government departments beyond the sovereignty of Parliament and beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts.”



2. The Rothschild’s are a fake jewish. originally of asiatic race, took up jewishism to survive wars between muslims and christians, because jewish was neutral at the time of strife in 750 ad. They have duped everyone since. The joke is on all of us, noone is left out on this prank.
3. And Fake Jew’s are the danger to everyone, we saw fake’s at the Al-quds’ demo 2009. we hear them on the many radio phone ins.

OCTOBER 29, 2009...21:34

Tony Blair’s limitless greed feeds off his war crimes

“This beggars belief. It’s absolutely scandalous that he’s now trying to make money from his contacts in the region. It’s money from the blood and lives of the soldiers who died in Iraq.”
by Jon Ungoed-Thomas
First Published: Oct. 18, 2009 – The Sunday Times

TONY BLAIR has been cashing in on his contacts from the Iraq conflict and his role as Middle East peace envoy for a private business venture expected to earn him more than £5m a year.

The former prime minister has sold his political and economic expertise to two countries, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, via his fledgling private consultancy. He also represents the investment bank JP Morgan in the region. 

His consultancy, the London-based Tony Blair Associates (TBA), emulates the New York partnership Kissinger Associates, which was founded by Henry Kissinger, the former national security adviser to President Nixon. One friend of Blair said: “TBA has been set up to make money from foreign governments and major companies. There’s a focus on the Middle East, because that’s where the money is.”


His expanding business interests as he roves across the Middle East means he flips his roles on a daily basis in official meetings: one hour, he is the official peace envoy meeting a Middle East minister or ruler; the next, he is a representative of TBA or JP Morgan.

In some meetings with Arab states, where Blair is introduced as the peace envoy, he has been flanked by Jonathan Powell, his former chief of staff, who accepted a job with Morgan Stanley, another US investment bank, after leaving Downing Street. Powell has no role in the peace process, but is a senior adviser to TBA and helps to win business in the Middle East.


Peter Brierley, 59, of Batley, West Yorkshire, whose 28-year-old son Shaun was killed near the Kuwait-Iraq border in 2003 and who refused to shake Blair’s hand at a memorial service this month, said: “This beggars belief. It’s absolutely scandalous that he’s now trying to make money from his contacts in the region. It’s money from the blood and lives of the soldiers who died in Iraq.” 

Just hours after he stepped down from No 10 on June 27, 2007, it was announced that Blair was to work as the Middle East envoy, on behalf of the European Union, the United Nations, the United States and Russia. He was given the job on the strength of his involvement in the Middle East during his premiership.


Four months after leaving office, Blair signed a £5m book deal with Random House. He is working on his memoirs, which are pencilled in for publication next autumn, according to sources at the publisher.

His fees for talks, along with contracts with JP Morgan and Zurich Financial Services, are estimated to put his earnings — excluding the book deal — well in excess of £5m a year. He is also involved in philanthropic works, including his faith foundation and a sports foundation.

TBA’s annual earnings in the Middle East alone could be expected easily to double his income, according to business sources in the region. “The ruling families in some of these countries may be fabulously wealthy, but they crave recognition in the western world,” said one source. “Blair offers that and will be in great demand.”

Blair disclosed last December that he had formed TBA, to advise on “political and economic trends and governmental reform”. One of his first recruits was Powell.



On January 17 this year, Blair was in Saudi Arabia in his peace envoy role to hold talks with King Abdullah on the situation in the Gaza strip and the need to end Israeli aggression. Powell was also on the trip.

Two days later Blair and Powell were ushered in to meet the nephew of the king, Prince Alwaleed, the wealthiest businessman in the Middle East.

Alwaleed, who has a fortune of more than £15 billion, has a 420-room marble palace, a fleet of more than 60 cars and a double-decker jet, the Airbus A380, on order as a private “flying palace”. He has billions of dollars of investments around the world and is chairman of Kingdom Holding Company.

Why would Powell want to meet him? The most likely scenario is that he and Blair were offering TBA’s services or wanted to cultivate Alwaleed as an influential contact. Blair’s spokesman denies TBA business was discussed.

Whether or not they were rebuffed, Blair and Powell packed up their papers to promote TBA’s wares elsewhere. A few days later, on January 26, they popped up in Kuwait. Blair, introduced as the peace envoy, met Sheikh al-Sabah and other senior officials in state rooms. Powell perched discreetly near Blair on a sofa. 



This time, they appear to have pulled it off. It emerged a few weeks later that TBA had signed up the country as a client, advising it on “good governance” for what has been reported to be a seven-figure sum. “It’s a big task and he’s working as an adviser on many issues,” a Kuwaiti diplomat said last week.




Blair has enjoyed a longstanding relationship with the Emir of Kuwait. He held talks with Sheikh al-Sabah in May 2003, just weeks after Saddam Hussein was deposed.

Three months after his Kuwait visit this year, on May 24, Blair — in his role as peace envoy — was in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), meeting the education minister. On the same day, he walked into another meeting with the UAE finance minister, representing JP Morgan, the US investment bank, as an adviser. The bank refused to comment on the meeting last week.

Blair is now a regular visitor to Abu Dhabi, typically staying in a £1,500-a-night double suite at the Emirates Palace. The hotel — the most costly ever built — is decked out with acres of gold leaf and renowned for offering guests the chance to consume real gold flakes; scattered on cappuccinos and cakes it can be ingested harmlessly. Guests are said to consume about 13lb of gold each year.

Blair enjoys cordial relations with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the Crown Prince, who was educated at Sandhurst and who is a Ju- Jitsu expert. He held talks with the Crown Prince on his December 2006 prime ministerial tour of the Middle East.  



Blair has praised the UAE for helping the Palestinians with millions of pounds for community projects. The country is also on TBA’s secret client list. Sheikh Mohammed’s state investment fund, Mubadala, is understood to have put TBA on its payroll three months ago.



Mubadala’s interests include oil and gas exploration contracts in Libya, a partnership with EADS, the European defence group and a stake in Ferrari.

John McGaw, a senior adviser at Golden Oryx, a business development company in the UAE, said: “[Blair] has a fantastic network, which is still sort of warm from his former days. He lends global credibility to one of the top sovereign wealth funds.”

One of Mubadala’s subsidiaries is building Masdar City, a zero-carbon development that will be powered by solar energy. Blair supported the successful bid for the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) to be based in the city.

On September 3, Blair was once again in Abu Dhabi, giving a speech before the crown prince and other dignitaries on the opportunities of globalisation. His talk — ranging from the Palestinian issue to the profits from globalisation — illustrates how he deftly blends his unpaid role in the Middle East with opportunities to showcase the political and business talent that is available for hire.  



Blair has praised the UAE for helping the Palestinians with millions of pounds for community projects. The country is also on TBA’s secret client list. Sheikh Mohammed’s state investment fund, Mubadala, is understood to have put TBA on its payroll three months ago.



Mubadala’s interests include oil and gas exploration contracts in Libya, a partnership with EADS, the European defence group and a stake in Ferrari.

John McGaw, a senior adviser at Golden Oryx, a business development company in the UAE, said: “[Blair] has a fantastic network, which is still sort of warm from his former days. He lends global credibility to one of the top sovereign wealth funds.”

One of Mubadala’s subsidiaries is building Masdar City, a zero-carbon development that will be powered by solar energy. Blair supported the successful bid for the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) to be based in the city.

On September 3, Blair was once again in Abu Dhabi, giving a speech before the crown prince and other dignitaries on the opportunities of globalisation. His talk — ranging from the Palestinian issue to the profits from globalisation — illustrates how he deftly blends his unpaid role in the Middle East with opportunities to showcase the political and business talent that is available for hire. 



Blair has praised the UAE for helping the Palestinians with millions of pounds for community projects. The country is also on TBA’s secret client list. Sheikh Mohammed’s state investment fund, Mubadala, is understood to have put TBA on its payroll three months ago.



Mubadala’s interests include oil and gas exploration contracts in Libya, a partnership with EADS, the European defence group and a stake in Ferrari.

John McGaw, a senior adviser at Golden Oryx, a business development company in the UAE, said: “[Blair] has a fantastic network, which is still sort of warm from his former days. He lends global credibility to one of the top sovereign wealth funds.”

One of Mubadala’s subsidiaries is building Masdar City, a zero-carbon development that will be powered by solar energy. Blair supported the successful bid for the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) to be based in the city.

On September 3, Blair was once again in Abu Dhabi, giving a speech before the crown prince and other dignitaries on the opportunities of globalisation. His talk — ranging from the Palestinian issue to the profits from globalisation — illustrates how he deftly blends his unpaid role in the Middle East with opportunities to showcase the political and business talent that is available for hire. 


While TBA may guarantee Blair’s financial security, he risks, like Kissinger, ruling himself out of future public service as the client list expands.

Kissinger was appointed in 2002 to chair an inquiry into intelligence failures before the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but came under pressure to reveal the clients of Kissinger Associates. He subsequently stood down, citing a controversy over a conflict of interest.


Blair himself will come under pressure to disclose the client list of TBA if he becomes European Union president, even if he removes himself from the partnership’s day-to-day business.

MPs also believe his work already undermines his role of peace envoy in the Middle East. Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrats’ foreign affairs spokesman, said: “The role of peace envoy, the office of which is subsidised by the taxpayer, is not meant to be an opportunity to look for new business opportunities for Tony Blair Associates.”

Blair’s spokesman said it was “absolute nonsense” to suggest that Blair was using contacts from the Iraq conflict or his work as peace envoy for business purposes. He said Blair had known the Emir of Kuwait since 1995.

He said TBA work did not represent a conflict of interest with his peace role. Kingdom Holding Company was not a TBA client and paid consultancy work with Kuwait had been completed, he said. “Tony Blair is in high demand for his advice and analysis in geopolitics,” the spokesman said


“However, the vast majority of his time is spent on his unpaid activities, principally his role as quartet representative.”


The Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, has called for a national referendum on the Lisbon treaty as it emerged in a survey that Britain would vote more than two-to-one against.

In a YouGov poll for The Sunday Times, 41% of respondents said they would vote against the treaty in a referendum, with 18% in favour; 41% were undecided.

An equal proportion of the population — 38% — were for and against Tony Blair becoming president of the European Union.

Klaus’s intervention on a referendum came in an open letter addressed to the Czech constitutional court. He has so far refused to sign the treaty, which has been ratified by all other EU members.


South Pavilion, Buckinghamshire
Purchase price: £4m
A seven-bedroom mansion bought in 2008. The mansion, once owned by Sir John Gielgud, is a few miles from Chequers, the prime ministerial retreat.


Connaught Square, London
Purchase price: £3.65m
A five-storey grade II listed Georgian townhouse bought in September 2004. The house is now the Blairs’ main London residence.

Archery Close, London 
Purchase price: £800,000 (estimated)
A mews house bought in February 2007. The intention was to improve the security of the Blairs’ main London residence.

Myrobella, Co Durham
Purchase price: £30,000
A four-bedroomed home bought in 1983 after Blair was elected as MP for Sedgefield.
Now for sale for £300,000.

Townhouse, London.
Purchase price: £1.13m
Mews property bought in September this year with no mortgage.
The house — with three bathroooms and a sun terrace — is owned by Cherie Blair and her son Nicky.


The Panoramic, Bristol
Purchase Price: £525,000
Two flats bought for £260,000 and £265,000 in 2002. Peter Foster, a conman, helped with the purchase.



Blair President of Europe? No, A War Crimes Trial

Intimidation, Bribery, Lies, Concealment and Breaches of Constitutions for Irish Yes to Lisbon Treaty to Position EU´s War Chief

Lisbon Treaty: Will War Criminal Tony Blair become President of the European Union?

The Lisbon Treaty: Brainwashed Political Brotherhood Unanimously Keen on Giving up Democracy

Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were lies

War Criminal Tony Blair believed God wanted him to go to war to fight evil, claims his mentor

UK: MPs’ expenses: Tony Blair facing questions over the £296,000 mortgage

Tony Blair earns nearly £400,000 for two 30-minute speeches


Blair steps up fight to be crowned first ‘President of EU’

Documentary – Taking Liberties (101 min.)







Blair has been working pro bono in the Middle East as a peace envoy while amassing a fortune from the American lecture circuit. By offering himself to the Arab states as a statesman for hire, he could comfortably double his annual earnings.

"This top link is Rothchilds Banking  PDF of who they say they are and what they can do for you

For over 200 years, Rothschild's freedom to offer objective advice and commitment to personal service have combined to build value for our private clients around the world; shaping wealth for generations

Rothschild has been serving private clients for seven generations. Our famous clients include many influential people of their day, across the worlds of business, politics and the arts.

The composers Gioacchino Rossini and Johann Strauss senior, soprano Nellie Melba and statesmen Prince Metternich and Baron Dudon are just a few of the prestigious names from the past. Queen Victoria was also known to appreciate Rothschild's services, which included the provision of chocolate for her mother's breakfast table.Today, we continue to serve high-profile clients, many of whom value the discretion of the service that Rothschild provides.


At the centre of the world’s financial markets for over 200 years, Rothschild provides a comprehensive range of services to individuals, governments and corporations worldwide. Based in 40 offices around the globe, we’re ready to provide our clients with advice and services from experts across the Rothschild Group whenever and wherever it is convenient for the client.

Visit the Rothschild Group website >


Today, we continue the approach originated by the five Rothschild brothers nearly two centuries ago. Ours is a working style that emphasises integrity and intellectual rigour. We constantly share knowledge and skills to bring the best resolution to any challenge or problem, anywhere around the world.

Because we are privately owned by the Rothschild family, we are able to take a long-term view, providing our clients with a service that is stable and discreet.

The atmosphere at Rothschild is more collegiate than corporate. Success is valued and rewarded and our staff turnover is very low compared with industry norms.

Rothschild Private Banking & Trust Shaping wealth for generations

Private Banking & Trust Shaping wealth for generations

For over 200 years, Rothschild’s freedom to offer objective advice and commitment to personal service have combined to build value for our private clients;
shaping wealth for generations.
From sandals to sandals in three generations” is a Chinese saying that describes a near-universal experience. One generation makes a great fortune and the next maintains it before the third generation spends it without restraint. In doing so, they risk returning to the poverty of the sandals that their grandparents started out in.
Few families have successfully managed and preserved their wealth over centuries. The Rothschilds are an exception and, as a result, our business is now in its seventh generation of independent family ownership. This heritage provides us with a unique insight and perspective. Today, our clients benefit from the objective advice that our
experience and independence allow us to provide.

What we do:
We offer independent advice to individuals and families from around the world.
Unlike many of our peers, we take a broad view. We are interested in our clients’ overall balance of assets and liabilities, and the complete pattern of their wealth. For example,
we often create structures to protect a wide range of assets, including non-financial assets such as family businesses, yachts, art and property. Investing time is central to our approach. Before making recommendations, we seek to understand as much as possible about each of our client’s circumstances and priorities. This allows us to put forward a coherent financial strategy.

What makes us different:
 Four guiding principles define the way that we work:
• objective advice
• personal commitment
• family values
• intellectual rigour
These principles shape everything we do. They are central to our ethos and at the heart of our commitment to each of our clients.

Objective advice: "We have no obligation to sell any products and have few of the conflicts of interest that trouble so many of our competitors" .... Baron David de Rothschild
Chairman of the Rothschild Group
As an independent business, we are free to look at options from our clients’ perspective. Our recommendations are based on our unbiased analysis – of opportunities, risks and
of each client’s individual circumstances. We are free to work with our clients’ existing advisers and investment managers, providing guidance and recommendations on wealth structuring and investment strategy regardless of where the assets are managed.

Personal commitment: 
The real value of Rothschild lies in our service. Unlike most banks, our hierarchy has very few levels. We are part of the global Rothschild group, yet we maintain
short lines of communication and avoid rigid bureaucracy. As a consequence, our clients receive the personal time and attention they deserve, from senior specialists in a
range of fields. Our emphasis is on care and attention to detail. We seek to build relationships that last for generations.

Family values:
The Rothschild family motto translates as ‘unity, integrity and entrepreneurship.’ Over the centuries, we have remained true to this approach, even as the nature of our business has changed. As a family business, we understand the sensitivities that surround family governance and planning for succession. We know the key issues that need to be addressed and work alongside our clients to plan for the future.
"We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential." ....  Salomon von Rothschild (1774-1855) to his brothers

Intellectual rigour:
Our clients have access to the knowledge and experience of the entire Rothschild group. This includes senior investment bankers advising on mergers and acquisitions, international trust lawyers and some of the world’s most sought-after investment specialists. Meticulous attention to detail is a Rothschild hallmark. We don’t cut corners or serve prefabricated solutions.

Our services:
We offer a comprehensive range of services for private clients. This includes guidance and recommendations on tax, inheritance and succession planning, as well as on broader
issues of family governance. When structuring our clients’ assets, we use a wide range of vehicles – including trusts, foundations, insurance and corporate vehicles – and specialise in advising international clients whose affairs span a range of domiciles and jurisdictions. Our investment services cover both traditional and alternative asset classes, from equities, bonds and cash to commodities, hedge funds, commercial property and private equity. We focus on constructing diversified asset allocations for our clients. Their portfolios typically include a blend of direct holdings, active and passive funds, structured products and derivatives.

Wealth structuring:
To survive and grow over time, assets and estates need protection – from political upheaval, changing legislation or even irresponsible heirs.
Our tax and wealth structuring specialists are adept at designing and establishing tax effi cient structures. Many of these are international and require complex,
cross-border planning. On an ongoing basis, we actively monitor and review each of our client’s affairs to ensure their structures remain relevant and effective

"It takes a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune; and when you have got it, it requires ten times as much wit to keep it."
 ..... Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836)

Investment management: 
No two people have exactly the same approach to investing.
Some clients are happy to ride out volatile markets; others emphasise stability and dependable returns. Some clients want to be actively involved in daily investment decisions;
others prefer to delegate decision making to our investment professionals. Before suggesting an investment strategy, we always begin with a detailed analysis of each client’s personal circumstances. This includes their preferences and constraints, risk tolerance and return objectives, time horizon and liquidity needs.
Our independence is central to our investment approach. We do not manufacture and sell our own fi nancial products but instead objectively source and select leading products for
our clients. Our dedicated analysts look at investment options from our clients’ perspective, searching for fair pricing, attractive terms and the potential to produce strong risk adjusted returns.

BANKING: Our discreet banking service offers access to cash, credit and custody from centres in Switzerland and
the Channel Islands.
We provide competitive cash management facilities, deposit accounts, debit and credit cards, and foreign exchange on margin. We can also lend against diversified investment portfolios as well as selected single funds and securities.

TRUST: International tax laws and regulations are constantly evolving.
Our teams of trust experts ensure that our clients’ financial arrangements keep pace with the changing environment. They can also relieve the burden of managing assets, by taking
on the responsibilities of monitoring and administration.
Changes in personal circumstances are as important
as changes in the wider world. As our clients’ families,
lifestyles and priorities alter over time, we work with them
to review and revise the way their assets are managed.

"Lack of order will turn a millionaire into a beggar". Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)

The Rothschild story

Rothschild / /noun. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) and his descendants, proprietors of an international banking company. An extremely wealthy person; a millionaire.
Oxford English Dictionary

The Rothschild family history is intrinsically linked to our heritage as a firm. Over 200 years, the Rothschild name has become synonymous with quality and excellence in finance,
wine, architecture, science and the arts. From modest beginnings, the five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded banking houses in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. They achieved renown as the most important – and most successful – bankers in the world. Our clients have included royalty and other influential people of their day: Queen Victoria, Gioacchino Rossini, Louis Philippe, Johann Strauss senior, Dame Nellie Melba and Randolph Churchill, to name a few.

Shaping wealth for generations
The Rothschild family has a long history. But our story is one of reinvention, as well as tradition. Shaping wealth for generations involves a different way of
thinking. It begins with an investment of time, as we seek to gain a complete understanding of each client’s needs and objectives. It involves confidence and experience
– drawing on our heritage, and looking to the long term. It also speaks of our commitment – to providing an exceptional service, to building lasting relationships, and to
intelligent intervention that will continue over time.

A brief history
1760-1820 Mayer Amschel Rothschild begins dealing in coins and bills in Frankfurt. Within a decade, he is appointed Court Agent to Wilhelm of Hesse-Hanau. Mayer’s sons open new banks in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. 1820-1850 The Rothschilds finance the railways in France and Austria. In the UK, Rothschild acts as bullion broker to the Bank of England, and begins to import newly discovered gold from California and Australia.

The Rothschilds build great houses across Europe, acquire Château Lafite and Château Mouton, and begin building their art collection. In 1875, Lionel de Rothschild secretly
finances the British government’s stake in the Suez Canal. By 1890, the Rothschilds have moved into oil and mining exploration, and financed
the establishment of De Beers. 1890-1945 The Rothschilds’ focus shifts to commercial enterprises, like the London Underground and Woolworths. In 1919, Rothschild becomes the first chair for the daily fixing of the world gold price

Both the British and the French
branches emerge from the Second
World War with new generations
of the family at the helm. Historic
partnership ties between the two
branches are revitalised, leading
to a complete merger in 2003.
An enduring entrepreneurial spirit sees
the development of an international
network of branch offices and
the business survive nationalisation
in France.
Rothschild creates the first fund of
hedge funds in 1969, and, in the 1980s,
strengthens its position as a world leader
in investment banking. Today, Rothschild
has over 4000 private clients in 90
countries and is a global private bank.

Rothschild and philanthropy
Wherever they have settled, the Rothschild family have sought to play
their part in the life of their community. In this, they are building on traditions
of social concern and charity instilled in his children by Mayer Amschel Rothschild,
the founder of the Rothschild family. Today, a wide range of Rothschild foundations
operate throughout Europe and in Israel, in fields as diverse as medical science,
housing and education.

"Rothschild and wine I do hope you like the wine. It’s home-made." ....Liliane de Rothschild,
to dinner guests at Lafite

Château Lafite Rothschild, under the leadership of
Baron Eric de Rothschild, consistently produces some
of the world’s finest red wines. Each year, Baron Eric
commissions a different fine art photographer to capture
something of the vineyard. Past photographers include
Irving Penn, Robert Doisneau and Richard Avedon;
the photograph on the right was taken by
Antonin Borgeaud.

Rothschild has served private clients for over
200 years. Today, I am proud to represent
my family in leading this business.
While much has changed, our objective remains
the same: to protect and enhance our clients’
legacies for generations to come.
I hope this brochure has given you a good
introduction to our firm. I would like to thank
you for your interest in Rothschild and look
forward to welcoming you as a client.

Baron Eric de Rothschild
Chairman, Rothschild Private Banking & Trust

A note on the images
The Rothschild office in Zurich is home to a superb art collection. There are over 200 works of art on display and in the archives, including pieces by Pop Artists such as Lichtenstein and
Warhol, and a large Christo collection. Some of the images featured in this brochure are from this collection. Each of them reflects our theme of ‘shaping wealth for generations’.

This Publication is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute
an offer or an invitation by, or on behalf of, Rothschild Private Banking & Trust
to buy or sell any security, financial instrument or to participate in any particular
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to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality,
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is not to be made available to US persons and is not to be circulated within the USA.
This Publication is approved for circulation in the United Kingdom by Rothschild
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This Publication cannot be reproduced totally or in extracts without the prior
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For further information about Rothschild, including a complete list of services,
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Below is interesting article by a guy that does not like the Rothschilds one bit collapse nobody saw coming —The Rothschilds’ are Having Our Troops Killed- Destroy The Armed Forces!!

March 17, 2009 · 3 Comments



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According to excerpts from Perry's own book, it seems more likely to me that Rothschild was a 'triple agent' with ultimate loyalty to the Zionist cause

Rothschild "made sure Russia's scientists had the basics of every secret project from biological warfare to radar and the various types of potential nuclear bomb." 
Some exerts of the below artilce  showing that Rothschils family members were and still are heavy involved with the running and financing of the British Intellegent Agencies MI5 and MI6, the the USA intellegent Agency CIA, Russian Soviet Intellegence Agency knownas the KGB. There is no doubt that the Rothschild Family's involvement in running and financing all these illegence agencies and thero absolute contol of the Britisg Central bank known a sthe Bank of Englan and the USA Central Bank known as the USA Federal Reserve Bank and thesde two countries an dother county's money supply, taxation, currency, gold and other commodities daily world prices,  have been for the purpose to further their long term aims of taking full control and destroying the financial economies.the democratic social and political structures of Britain and the USA so that they can encorporate them all and all other countries as 
the appointed representatives of the Unseen Masters of Freemasonary  who are in effect the sole
 tax-collecting Priest~Hoods of Kurdistan, Thibet and the Basque Country, consider themselves to be our masters; the self-styled 'Universal Spirit' (US) of the world, who are the Nephilim, otherwise known as the Mandan MOHO; they are troglodytes who once resided within the basalt layer of the earth's crust and Antarctica (Atlantis) and now run the world from one big computer and now have a safe base on the moon, so they can destroy earth's current  human race known as Homo Sapians and re-populate planet earth with a new better geneticly engineered model of slave they have know designed that will be more contollable. 
 It was these tax-collecting Priest-Hoods/Mandan MOHO/Nephilim/Troglodytes originally of Kurdistan, Thibet and the Basque Country who consider themselves ther self styled 'Universal Spirit (US) of the world  that originally established the national boundaries of all contries that make up the different countries of the world today,wrote all the 6,000 languages for each country and created all the difference religions for each country as part if their long term plan to create a New World Order under their control by dividing the world, getting each country and each religion to fight and kill each other by using their tried and true method of Divide and Conquor, and have been behind the financing and creation of all wars, and civil and religious wars, genocides and ethnic cleansings to keep the world population down and under their control were the ones that implemented a world wide tax collection or tollgating scheme using their absolute control of the central banks of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the countries of the European Union using the Freemansons and the Illuminati secret societies to control their world wide taxation collections that deprives the people on the surface of the earth of their birthright and turns them into braindead slaves-who-do-their-own-shopping. These Unseen masters of the Rothschilds and the Freemason and Illuminati are panning to mass murder all or most of all the current human race known as Homo Sapians as they have servered their purpose, and now ave a new model of slaves to introduce planet earth by one and/or all of the following methods:
1.  MONK induced earthquakes.
2. A seven year World War III, started by the Ayatollahs in the middle-East (Manchurian Candidate Monks), in order to all kill Muslims, and the resulting nuclear fallout that will then kill all of the Chinese peoples who reside downwind.
3. The strike of an artificially redirected orbit of Eros, the 15 mile long asteroid, into the Arabian Sea that is expected will kill all of the peoples of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. (all U need is love ~ Eros)
4. The MOHO~MANDAN artificially induced earth crust displacement that will cause 40% of the ice on Antarctica to become floating icebergs; which will subsequently cause numerous TSUNAMI (tidal waves) and the permanent worldwide flooding of all coastal regions to Level 3, (80 feet above current sea level).
5. The clean-up crew based at the International Space Station (ISS) who will use the Hubble telescope to pinpoint and destroy all remaining survivors on WATERWORLD (formerly Earth).
In the Koran, the story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood which first appeared in the works of the Magi, and later, Zarathustra, is repeated. Yet in this version the vessel comes to rest on the mountain of Judi. Kurdish tradition links this location with Cudi Dag, a mountain located sixty-five miles south of Lake Van, in Turkish Kurdistan. Christians of all nations and confessions, Mussulmans (Muslims) of both Shiah and Sunni type, Sabaeans of Yemen (Mandaeans), Jews, and Yezidis (Shaitan~Satan worshippers) all believe that this is the place from where the Mandan Watchers (Shinning Ones) in Enochian and Dead Sea religious literature (Sons of God coming unto the Daughters of Men ~ Genesis 6) made their re-entry descent into the Fertile Valley of Iraq, following the Great Flood. This is Persian Freemasonry's allegory for the second generation of Genetically Modified Organisms now known as Homo Sapien-Sapiens. We, the modern dwellers on the surface of the planet, are in fact the result of ancient pre-historic DNA cloning; a species fabricated by the TaXmas of Antarctica (Atlantis). We are but an interim group of "suckers", here temporarily, to live out our lives as Guinea Pigs and Caretakers of the plan~et's coming New World Order; and whose main purpose will be the exploration of the universe on behalf of the Mandan-MOHO Priest~Hoods.
These tax-collecting Priest~Hoods of Kurdistan, Thibet and the Basque Country, consider themselves to be our masters; the self-styled 'Universal Spirit' (US) of the world.
The SculPTor
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